How to Navigate Our Website

 *Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of our website.*

  1. Be sure to keep scrolling down to find all of the available content on any page.  When you get to the bottom of each page you will see the photograph of the two Maid of the Mist boats in the Niagara River, along with various church and website information.  You can scroll to the bottom of this page right now to see what it looks like.  Once you see that on any of our webpages, you will know you've reached the bottom of that page.  If you don't see it, keep scrolling for more content!                                                                                                                   
  2. Some of our sections have subsections.  Notice the top navigation bar, where it reads "HOME, VISIT, ABOUT," etc.  When any of these have subsections, they will expand when you put your cursor over them, revealing the available sub-sections.  You can try this now by moving your cursor over HOME, VISIT, ABOUT, or SPIRITUAL GROWTH on the navigation bar at the top of this page.  From there you can either click on the main heading, (HOME, VISIT, etc.), or any of the subheadings for that section.  The heading will take you to one page, and each of the subheadings will take you to different pages.                                                                                                                                    
  3. *PRO TIP* After the subsection menu opens, you may need to move your cursor straight down onto the submenu to keep neighboring submenus from opening.  Then you can move it across and select the page you would like to see.                 
  4. When you begin to scroll down on any page, the top navigation menu disap-pears. (HOME, VISIT, ABOUT, etc.)  It will reappear when you begin to scroll up again.  This allows you to quit scrolling and move your cursor directly to the top menu without scrolling all the way back to the top.  The top menu will also reappear when you reach the bottom of any of our website pages.                           
  5. Our site also works well on mobile devices.  If you are on a mobile device, you can access the menu by tapping the lines to the right of "FBBC LOCKPORT, NY".  The mobile menu displays differently than on a computer, but it lays out very nicely.  After tapping the lines, you will see the main content list.  If there are submenus they will appear when you tap one of our section headings (HOME, VISIT, etc.)  Each item in the submenu will take you to a different page, including the submenu item that has the same name as the main heading.  For example, tapping "HOME" in the HOME submenu will take you to our main Home page.  Tapping "SPIRITUAL GROWTH" in the SPIRITUAL GROWTH submenu will take you to the main page in the Spiritual Growth section.  After you open a submenu it should remain open when you return to the menu.  When our main menu listings have no submenus (as MESSAGES or ONLINE GIVING), tapping that section heading will take you directly to that page.